The Merkaba Method | Elite Wellness Club for adults

We help adults (age 45+) stay fit, healthy, and active as they age, even if they haven’t been to the gym or prioritized their health in years!

Get Strong | Get Healthy | Stay Young

"For the first time in years my blood sugars, cholesterol, and blood pressure were all within normal range. In the past, even with medication I was on the high end."

— Joe P.

“I have been to a million different places for chronic back pain. Chiropractors, massage therapy, acupuncture, personal trainers. The Merkaba Method has been the only thing that’s helped me. I feel stronger than I have been in years and my back pain is no longer intruding in my life.”

— Evan E.

Strength, health, & longevity For busy ADults age 45+

Imagine waking up every day looking and feeling exactly the way you want to - loaded with energy, strong body, clear mind, and full of joy. 

Imagine transforming into the person you dream of being, doing the things you dream of doing, and living the life you dream of living. 

Keeping up with your kids & grandkids easily…

Staying active without aches, pains, or worry…

Feeling healthy and confident in your body…

It’s all possible.

The Merkaba Method is here to guide you there. 

“The Merkaba Method is my prerequisite for a happy healthy life. It’s that simple!”

— Katy S.

“I lost over 100lbs over the course of a year with this man’s guidance and advice, and it’s something I’ll always be grateful for. I 100% recommend this business to anyone that wants to become more fit, build better habits, and improve their lifestyle.”

— Daniel A.


How To Get Started

Step 1:

Click the “Apply For a Free Consultation!” button. From there you’ll be directed to a short application form where you’ll be prompted to enter your name, phone number, and email address.

Step 2:

You’ll receive a phone call from one of our team members at the phone number you provided on your application form within 48 hours.

Step 3:

We’ll chat and figure whether or not we’d be a good fit working together. If we agree we’d be a good fit working together, we’ll schedule you in for a free Elite Wellness Consultation at our facility. If we don’t think we’d be a good fit working together, we’ll happily point you elsewhere for support.


"Prior to the program, I was facing an acid reflux problem, I was not getting proper nutrition, I was feeling down, I wasn’t exercising as much as I should, I had no workout routine, morning routine, or nutrition routine. This program solved all of those problems through the education Coach Dale shared, and his dedication to helping me achieve my goals.”

— Dylan M.

“I was coming off an injury. Dale’s knowledge of what I needed to recover and strengthen to resume my previous level of activity was spot on.”

— Melanie H.


More isn’t Better, Better Is Better

My name is Dale Stasco, and I’ve been helping adults over the age of 45 build strength, lose weight, eliminate pain, increase energy, and stay active living their best lives for years now.

Throughout my time in the Health and Fitness Industry, something I noticed is that while there’s a lot of great gyms and coaching services out there…

There aren’t many gyms and coaching services that give the majority of adults over 45 the level of coaching, guidance, education, and motivation they actually need to stay fit, healthy, and active over the long-term.

In all my conversations with adults over the age of 45, something else I’ve noticed is that when attempting to get back into the swing of things with their health and fitness, many are left thinking things like…

“Is it even safe for my body to be doing x,y,z at my age?”

“Is doing x,y,z even going to get me the results that I want for myself and my life?”

…or they get so confused by all the conflicting information that exists in the Health & Fitness Industry that they fail to get things moving in the right direction altogether.

The good news is that it doesn’t have to be that way…

At The Merkaba Method, we’ve broken down getting strong, eliminating aches & pains, building great health, and staying active as you age into a fun, simple, and sustainable science.

Our client success stories speak for themselves!

— Dale Stasco (Creator & Owner)


"My energy levels have increased dramatically."

— Steven A.

“Physically, I'm as good as I've ever been. Suddenly, I'm back to where I was about 20 years ago.”

— Claudia A.


Stay feeling young as you age

The Merkaba Method is here to show you exactly what you need to do to stay feeling youthful as you age

…and we do it in a way thats far more fun and far less complicated than you’d ever imagine.

We take a simple, all-encompassing approach to your fitness, health, and lifestyle because we know that at the end of the day, all systems in your fitness, health, and life work together to form your results.

Here at The Merkaba Method, we provide the you with the exact routines, knowledge, & habits you need to live a life of maximum health, strength, and vitality as you age - even if:

You haven’t been to the gym in years…

You have a busy schedule…

You struggle to stay motivated…

You have nagging aches & pains…

Your eating habits are out of wack…

None of the things listed above are a problem when you come to The Merkaba Method, in fact, the majority of our members are typically dealing with one or a few of these obstacles before getting started with us.

But after spending some time together…

These obstacles almost always cease to exist.

It’s time for you to claim the body, health, & life that you deserve!


“I’ve done the serial dieting and every coaching plan that’s out there, they’re all the same. This program is different, we work together and find solutions personalized to me and my needs. Physically, there’s just a vast improvement - I have a lot more stamina, a lot more energy, and a lot more muscle.”

— Shari S.

“He was able to customize a program for me that very quickly got me in the best shape of my adult life. My biggest physical shift is losing 15 pounds in a month."

— Anthony L.

“I'm in a much better place. I've dropped 53 pounds since mid March so I feel a lot more confident and much better about myself."

— Jeannine C.

“Working with Dale at Merkaba Method has been great! Dale has helped me strengthen a bad knee and shoulder. I have learned a ton about nutrition and how to incorporate the habits needed to improve my wellbeing.”

— Jim M.

OUR mission is simple

Give adults (age 45+) all of the tools, knowledge, & guidance they need to stay fit, healthy, happy, and active as they age.

Our services include:

  • Small Group Personal Training

  • 1-On-1 Personal Training

  • Nutrition, Health, & Lifestyle Coaching

"I lost 17 pounds, in addition, the levels of energy I felt were pretty amazing. I have rarely felt that before."

— Ian A.

“My experience with Dale has been life changing. After spending just a few sessions with him, I immediately felt stronger, not only physically, but mentally.”

— Angela P.

Learn more about The Merkaba Method’s tried and tested strategies that make staying fit, healthy, and active as you age fun, simple, and sustainable.